Comprehensive Lab Manual Maths Class 11
Comprehensive Laboratory Manual In Biology Class-XI Book Summary: The practical study is a supplement to the theoretical classroom knowledge. It helps to understand the subject more precisely. The present book entitled ‘‘Comprehensive Laboratory Manual in Biology’’ meant for class XI under 10 + 2 pattern of Central Board of Secondary Education. The subject matter of the book has been written in accordance with the latest syllabi prescribed by the CBSE and other boards of secondary education. The book has been designed as a reference rather than copy down the instruments.
Key Features: The main features of the book are as follows: 1. The subject matter has been written in a simple and lucid language. A brief information about theoretical aspect of the experiments has been given in the beginning of each experiment.
Each experiment has been fairly illustrated with all possible details. Table of Contents: Part I: Introduction Part II: Core Experiments Part III: Experiments for Spotting Part IV: Investigatory Projects.
Maths Class 11 Ncert Solution
Mod ern ’ s ab c of Ph ysi cs V ol I (Cl ass XI) by S.K. G upt a - P ubl ish ed b y Mo der n Pu bl ish er, New Delhi. Co mp reh en siv e P hy sic s ( Cla ss XI) by J.N. J ais wal, L axm i P ubl ica tio n, New Del hi. Pr ade ep’ s Fu nd ame nta l Ph ysi cs (C las s XI) b y K.L.
Gom ber and K.L. G og ia, P rad ee p Pu bli ca tio n, Jalandhar.
Co mp reh ens ive Pr act ic al P hys ics (Cl ass XI) - Pu bli sh ed b y La xm i Pu bl ica tio n, N ew D elh i. APC Lab ora tor y Ma nu al P hys ics (C las s XI ) - P ub lis he d by Ary a P ubl ic ati on, Ne w De lhi. Mod ern ’ s ab c of Ch em ist ry ( Cla ss X I) b y S. Ja uh ar - Pub lis hed by M od ern Pub lis her, New Delhi. Pr ade ep’ s Ne w Co urs e Ch em ist ry X I by S.N. Dh awa n, S.C.
1979 omc sterndrive manual. The manuals you’ve come to know and trust are now available for online viewing.
Khe tre pa l, P.N. K ap il, P ra dee p Publication, Jalandhar. Co mp reh en siv e Ch em ist ry, XI b y N.K. Ka pil a, L ax mi P ub lic at ion, New Delhi.

Co mp reh en siv e Pr act ica l Ch em ist ry ( Cl ass XI) - Pu bli sh ed b y La xm i Pu bl ica tio n, Ne w Del hi. APC Lab or ato ry M anu al C hem ist ry ( Cla ss X I) - Pub lis he d by Ary a P ubl ic ati on, Ne w De lhi. 1) A T ex tb oo k o f Ge ol og y - P.K.M uk er je e (W or ld P re ss, 19 97 ) 2) In tr od uc ti on to Ge ol og y, V ol um e I: P ri nc ip le s - H. R ea d and J.Watson (ELBS,1988) 3) Ph ys ic al G eo lo gy - R. F.F li nt a nd B.
Sk in ne r (J oh n W il ey, 1974) 4) Un de rs ta nd in g E ar th - F.P re ss an d R.S ie ve r ( W.H.F re em an and Co. New York,2nd Edition, 2001) 5) Ph ys ic al Ge ol og y- D. Le et an d S.
Ju ds on (P re nt ic e Ha ll, 1974) 6) Th e C ha ng in g E ar th - J.S.M on ro e a nd R. W ie ca rd er (B ro ok s/ Cole, 3rd Edition, 2001) 7 ) Ge ol o g y- W.C.P u tn a m ( OU P, 1 9 71 ) 8) Ru tl ey ’ s E le me nt of Mi ne ra lo gy - H. Re ad (C BS, 1 98 4) 9) T ex tb oo k of Mi ne ra lo gy - E. Da na an d W.F or d (J oh n Wiley,1986) 10 ) St ruc tur al Geo lo gy- M.P.Bi lli ngs (Pr ent ice Hal l, 1 986 ) 1 1) St ru ctu re o f Ro cks and Re gio ns- G.H. Dav is ( Jo hn Wi ley, 1984) 12 ) Pr inc ipl es of Pe tro lo gy- G.W.T yrr ell (B.I. Pub lic ati on s Pvt. Ltd,1998) 13 ) Pe tr ol og y- E.G.E hl er s an d H.
Bl at t (C BS, 19 86 ) 14 ) Ign eou s an d Me tam or phi c Pe tro log y- M.G.Be st ( CB S,1 98 6) 5. New Delhi, Oxford University Press 8) Jh a M ak ha n, 19 94, An In tr od uc ti on to So ci al An th ro po lo gy Vikas Publishing House Pvy. Ltd., Sarkar, R. 1994, Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology, Calcutta, Book World Publishers 9) Sc up in, R ay m on d a nd De co rs e, C hr is to ph er R. 2 00 5, Anthropology: A Global Perspective, New Delhi, Prentice - Hall of India 10 ) Sr iv as ta va, A. 20 05, Es se nt ia ls o f Cu lt ur al Anthropology, New Delhi, Prentice - Hall of India 6.